EasyPol: strategy and development

EasyPol is a free mobile app that allows you to make mobile phone payments to the Public Administration via the PagoPA system. 20tab guided the startup through the product development, go-to-market and growth process.








The initial situation

EasyPol was established as a start-up in 2018 and embarked on its journey with other suppliers, but failed, however, within a year, to go into production. It comes from 20tab with the need to go in the market quickly and to grow.

And we did it, in just a few months.

Main technical activities

Product Marketing


Tools and practices

Growth Hacking

Measurement Plan

Growth Table

Customer Journey Map

User Story Mapping


Design Thinking

Implemented activities

20tab took care of both the technical development and the software creation process, as well as marketing and strategic consulting, through a close and fruitful collaboration with the start-up team, which has continued throughout the entire work on the product.

We started with the evaluation of the existing app - as mentioned earlier, EasyPol was already working to enter the market. From here, we created different usage scenarios and made the initial technological choices.

It was necessary to establish a Growth Marketing process to define priorities and integrate strategy and development.

We followed the Scrum process, with 2-week sprints, to effectively develop the new application. We then deployed semi-automated builds for app testing and production release.

Finally, we dedicated ourselves to setting up the stores and analytics tools for data monitoring.

Implemented Technologies

Python-whiteDjango-whitePostgresql-whiteReact-whiteuWSGI-logo-whiteNGINX-logo-whiteDocker whitecloud-platforms-mono-white

Final result

In about 2 months, our team recreated the app from scratch (between June and July 2019), published it on the Android and iOS stores (in September). Among the various improvements and features added in this process, there were integrations with PagoPA and Nexi, QR code reading, deployment on the App Store and Google Store, and all aspects related to privacy and user data, managed in accordance with GDPR.

In just under a year, the product has reached over 300,000 installations, with 60,000 active users per month and 20,000 new monthly users. It has also surpassed a total transaction volume of over 13 million euros.

EasyPol was born as a mobile app that allowed users to pay fines, and today it integrates a range of advanced functions, from taxes to the banking sector.

DISCLAIMER: The images in this case study are for product illustration purposes only. They are from the first version of the application, not the current version.